Jodha Akbar quiz Red Blazing Fire! Great War Nations Mughal and Raj Puth Episode Synopsis 354-355 Active March 31, 2015

Letak Iklan google Ads Hello viewers of Indian series "Jodha Akbar" still continue to update the story about this one certainly serial India, especially Jodha Akbar impressions ditung still awaited by loyal viewers. Jodha Akbar telebih story more exciting and interesting because of various problems continue to arise in the life of the King and Queen Jodha Jalal. Once in the previous episode, Jalal finally Jodha blame for the death of Husayn because at that time chose to accompany Jalal Jodha than keeping up Zeenat Hussain Husain successfully poisoned and killed. Because anger finally Jalal Jalal now he turns into a cruel and even declared war on rajvanshies. Curious story next story? see Jodha Akbar episode synopsis below 354-355.
Synopsis Serial India "Jodha Akbar" EPS. 354 - King Jalal Go Fight While Queen Jodha Sad and denting

Synopsis The story Jodha Akbar Episode 354 - Jalal eventually go to war against nation suasahan rajvanshies with a heart full of anger. Johdha alone can no longer block the Jalal until she could only stare kepergiaan Jalal with a heavy heart. King Bharmal Jodha father asked Jodha Jodha will this war but could not say a word. Jodha itself in bimbangkan with this war for him no matter who wins in this war will still be good for her defeat it Rjvanshies or Mughals because both are family for Jodha. Then finally Bharmal bersam last troops to protect Jalal palace in Agra.Jodha Akbar quiz Red Blazing Fire! Great War Nations Mughal and Raj Puth Episode Synopsis 354-355 Active March 31, 2015
Jodha could only stare when all military wives at the palace Jalal Rajvanshies given tilak and aarti by their wives to fight to the battlefield. Jodha finally decided to hand over jewelery selurh who owned the King Bharmal to be submitted to the Mughal royal family Rajvanshies or who die in battle. But King Bharmal himself said when he was asked by Jalal to not descend into battle and ordered to guard the palace fort at Agra. Then Jodha thinking how to be able to give the jewelry apda Mughal army and army Rajvanshies.Jodha Akbar quiz Red Blazing Fire! Great War Nations Mughal and Raj Puth Episode Synopsis 354-355 Active March 31, 2015

Jodha Akbar quiz Red Blazing Fire! Great War Nations Mughal and Raj Puth Episode Synopsis 354-355 Active March 31, 2015

Jodha Akbar quiz Red Blazing Fire! Great War Nations Mughal and Raj Puth Episode Synopsis 354-355 Active March 31, 2015

All the Mughal army was preparing to fight and Jalal also gave instruction to fight on the parjuritnya. Jalal with anger shouting saying that there is no mercy and kindness he was leading his troops to fight and kill the enemy is ruthless. Until all the troops raised their swords while Jalal mentap sky, thinking that he would emmbunuh all the innocent people he always blame God to avenge the death of his children are innocent.Synopsis Serial India 'Jodha Akbar' EPS. 355 - Fierce Battle Between the United Nations and the Mughal RajvanshiesSynopsis The story Jodha Akbar Episode 355 - Jalal forces continue bersipa war while continuing to call the name of Jalal. While Jalal himself saw the fortress nation Rajvanshies furiously until he was riding past the fort Rajvanshies Kudan. But the soldiers and guards who were on guard at the castle view and was about to kill Jalal Jalal by launching arrows, but they did not manage to kill Jalal and make them wonder to them suspect that it is not Jalal. Then Jalal shout asked where Uday Pratap. Then Jalal unarmed shouted provide opportunities paraprajurit hiding behind the castle to attack him, Jalal kept shouting for them to kill him. But the soldier said that they would fight on the battlefield is not a way to kill Jalal who do not use guns because they think it is a cowardly way. Jalal was the rage back shouting that he would face Rajvanshies nation on the battlefield.Jodha Akbar quiz Red Blazing Fire! Great War Nations Mughal and Raj Puth Episode Synopsis

Until the end of the war ensued, the troops were attacking each other by using arrows and gunpowder. Jalal soldiers continued to attack the fort Rajvanshies accordance with Jalal command until they opened the castle to fight. Jalal continued to attack the fort Rajvanshies until he had killed Uday and Kunwar Pratap. Jalal will open Rajvanshies castle by force if they do not immediately open the nation Rajvanshies castle to start the battle.Jodha Akbar quiz Red Blazing Fire! Great War Nations Mughal and Raj Puth Episode Synopsis 354-355 Active March 31, 2015© antvUntil the next day and munitions of war back arrow attack occurred until one alone Rajvanshies soldiers managed to kill the Mughal army made angry and turns Jalal Jalal who launched his arrows to kill one soldier rajvanshies. While at the Palace Rajvanshies, their leader also requested that the fort is maintained and not to the Mughal troops into their territory because they will win this war. Then Rajvanshies leader asked the women and their children to be placed in a safe place. On the other hand the wainta Rajvanshies even talk to each other that they would not hand over Mewar on the Mughal army so that they intend to do Jauhur or some sort of suicide.Jodha Akbar quiz Red Blazing Fire! Great War Nations Mughal and Raj Puth Episode Synopsis 354-355 Active March 31, 2015

The war finally started Rajvanshies and Mughal army also clashed with each other to kill each other until the Mughal army made it to the gate of the fort. All attacking each other no exception Maan Singh and Todar Mal and they were killing each nation Rajvanshies and Mughal. Until Jalal came to the battlefield with a horse and a sword was filled with bloody and kill Rajvanshies soldiers one by one. In the castle all Rajvanshies women were headed to a well in which there are flames they pray for Mewar. Until all women melompay into the well with a burning flame which instantly kills them, Jalal see all the action, but he let it. Until now, Jalal still bertemupur one soldier said if he will not tell where uday and Kunwar although they should be killed. Jalal increasingly angry ask for memnghabisi seluruha Rajvanshies army and do not let anyone alive until Jalal heard the child's voice and she began to wonder if God had taken his children to that he should not lose his power and he will not leave the child.
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