Detailed Synopsis Korean Drama The Heirs Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang Feeling Lost Episode 3

Letak Iklan google Ads,- Korean drama series "The Heirs' RCTI EPS. 3 - Going from Home Kim Tan, Cha Eun Sang will return to Korea.
 The Heirs Story Episode 3 - In The Heirs 3 times this episode, Eun Sang did not answer when Kim Tan said if she might like Eun Sang. Until one day Kim Eun Sang Tan invited to go come with him to come to the show business meetings father Kim Tan where there is no sister Kim Tan jug that Kim Won. When there Kim Won was pleased to see the arrival of Kim Tan and took him away while expressing his displeasure of the arrival of Kim Tan, but in fact listening to all the talk Eun Sang Tan Kim and Kim Won. Kim Tan upset because now know the state of Kim Eun Sang Tan actually to ask Eun Sang to forget all that.

 The Heirs No Longer At Home! Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang Feeling Lost Episode Korean Drama Synopsis 3The Heirs No Longer at home! Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang Korean Drama Synopsis Feeling Lost Episode 3

We will return the car poorer Kim Eun Sang Tan and stuck until they both could not return home and decided to stay at a motel. Many of the things that happened between Kim and Eun Sang Tan until a while Kim Eun Sang Tan asked why he wanted Jeguk Gru Bankrupt that are not answered by Eun Sang. Until now, the next day they finally return home and how shocked when Chan Young came to the house to pick Eun Sang Sang Eun makes Kim Eun Sang Tan annoyed that will go away.Until finally Eun Sang said goodbye to go to Tan but it seems Chan Kim Young recognize Kim Tan who might once bully himself when in junior high. Finally Chan Young and Eun Sang go. Eun Sang himself telling all the events that happened during in America. On the other hand Sang Eun and Kim Tan mutual longing and sense of loss.

Detailed Synopsis Korean Drama The Heirs Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang Feeling Lost Episode 3

The Heirs  No Longer at home! Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang Feeling Lost Episode Korean Drama Synopsis 3
 The Heirs  No Longer at home! Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang Korean Drama Synopsis Feeling Lost Episode 3 One day when Kim Tan and Rachel went out he met with Eun Sang and Chan Young who were eating together. Rachel approached the two of them actually turned out Chan Young and Rachel own one school but they are not familiar. Rachel herself directly insulting Eun Sang while inadvertently mention if Eun Sang always seize the lover because he tried to approach Kim Tan who has been engaged and now Chan Young who already has a boyfriend. Until finally said goodbye to Chan Sang Eun Young to go to the airport and back to Korea after Kim Tan leave message.

The Heirs No Longer at home! Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang Feeling Lost Episode Korean Drama Synopsis 3The Heirs  No Longer at home! Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang Feeling Lost Episode Korean Drama Synopsis 3Saat was also Rachel Yoo also will return to Korea, Kim Tan came to him as he answered questions Rachel if he really wanted to go back to Korea, but he did not have the courage. Rachel hugged Kim Tan but accidentally turns out there also exist which saw Kim Eun Sang Tan and Rachel. Sang Eun Kim Tan immediately go but already aware of and see Eun Sang while calling. Sang Eun stopped but did not dare turn.
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